North Platte Physical Therapy - Casper (West)


The Casper West clinic has been serving the needs of the surrounding community since 2010.  This clinic along with our Casper East clinic continually strives to exceed the expectations of our patients.  Our clinics are patient-focused and allow our patients to collaborate with their therapist on the optimal care for each individual.  We provide this peak level of care in an energetic and enjoyable atmosphere.

We are dedicated to providing the best orthopedic care to central Wyoming. Our staff specializes in spine and extremities. We use multiple manual therapy and exercise treatment philosophies and techniques for treating back, muscle, joint, nerve and tendon disorders. North Platte Physical Therapy provides comprehensive physical and occupational therapy services to our orthopedic, pediatric, and geriatric patients. We have an excellent functional balance re-training program and fall prevention program. We also work with athletes and sports medicine patients.

Location Details

307-234-9067  Send Email
Address: 3831 Denis Drive #200, Casper, WY 82604
Hours: Mon - Fri 8AM - 5PM
Fax: 307-234-9074

Interested in scheduling at our East location? View Casper East Details

Matt Woodbury, DPT, OCS, SFMA

Clinic Supervisor

I have both a professional and personal passion for health. I will never stop learning about the complexities of the human body and the optimal ways to promote its function.  I want to remain active, enjoy life to the fullest, and help others also attain and maintain this freedom.


  • Doctor of Physical Therapy, University of Mary
  • Bachelor of Science in Human Performance and Fitness, North Dakota State University

Certifications/Specialized Training:

  • Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS)
  • Certified Graston Technique Clinician
  • Worksaver Certified Tester
  • Certified Cupping Therapist
  • Vestibular Certification
  • Certification in Applied Functional Science, Gray Institute
  • Advanced Topics in the Examination, Evaluation, and Treatment of the Shoulder and Knee
  • IAOM Elbow Course
  • Diagnosis and Management of the Elbow
  • LSVT

Continuing Education Training:

  • Kinesio Taping KT1 & KT2
  • Dry Needling
  • Muscle Energy Technique
  • Running Mechanics and Injury
  • Sole Supports Orthotic Casting
  • Various Other Orthopedic Courses

Professional Society Memberships:

  • American Physical Therapy Association - Orthopedics and Sports

Hometown: West Fargo, North Dakota

Hobbies: Running, cycling, hanging out with family, listening to music, and watching movies

James Watson, DPT

As a Physical Therapist, I live for that moment when people’s eyes light up with hope because they can do what they couldn’t before. I love learning everyone’s unique story and helping them overcome their barriers in life. I am enjoying getting to better know the good people of Casper every day.


  • Doctor of Physical Therapy, Touro University Nevada
  • Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, Utah Valley University

Certifications/Specialized Training:

  • Vestibular Rehabilitation Certificate (PESI)

Continuing Education:

  • Management of Lower Quadrant Pathology Course 1 (Folsom) 
  • Management of Lower Quadrant Pathology Course 2 (Folsom) 
  • Institute for Brain Potential Protecting Short Term Memory  

Hometown: Layton, Utah

Hobbies: Running, baking, woodworking, hiking and entertaining my daughters.

Jessica Engelhardt, PTA

Like many in my field, I first became interested in Physical Therapy after a sports-related injury in high school made me a patient myself. After earning my bachelor's degree, I moved on to a Physical Therapist Assistant program. I believe that Physical Therapy can truly change an individual's life for the better. I enjoy being around people every day and getting to know them. I am compassionate and want to help others achieve their goals. I grew up in Indiana and lived in Colorado for three years before moving to Casper. I am very excited to explore this new area and discover what the community has to offer!


  • Associate of Applied Science, Physical Therapist Assistant, Laramie County Community College 
  • Bachelor of Science in Movement and Sport Sciences, Purdue University


  • IAOM: Differential Diagnosis and Musculoskeletal Management of the Cervical Spine
  • American Heart Association Basic Life Support (CPR and AED)
  • LSVT
  • Diagnosis and Management of the Thoracic Spine


  • Arcadia, Indiana


  • Hiking, skiing, volleyball, and hanging out with friends and family watching movies

Tara Stadjuhar, PTA

My journey into Physical Therapy came from a love of sports and a fascination for how the body moves, functions, and heals. Being passionate about health and wellness, I am dedicated to empowering individuals on their journey to optimal well-being. Witnessing the transformative impact of physical therapy firsthand is what fuels my love for this profession. I find immense joy in helping patients regain mobility, return to their favorite activities, and achieve their wellness goals.


  • Associates in Applied Science, Physical Therapist Assistant, Western Technical College, El Paso, TX
  • Bachelors of Community Health, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM

Certifications/Specialized Training:

  • Blood flow restriction training
  • American Heart Association Basic life support (CPR and AED)
  • Site coordinator of Clinical education (SCCE)
  • Diagnosis and Management of the Thoracic Spine

Continuing Education:

  • Kinesio tape
  • Strain counter strain

Professional Society Memberships:

  • APTA of Wyoming and New Mexico

Hometown: Las Cruces, New Mexico

Hobbies: Skiing, fly fishing, camping, woodworking, DIY projects, spending time with my family, hiking with my dogs.


Services Offered

Latest News & Info

Physical Therapy Services: Five Benefits To Boost Well-Being

Physical Therapy Services: Five Benefits To Boost Well-Being

Injuries occur for a variety of different reasons, from traumatic events such as a car wreck to sports-related issues, causing individuals pain, discomfort, and often limiting mobility. While there are certain medical procedures and medicines to assist with these problematic limitations, the presence of a structured and personalized physical therapy program also helps to speed up and aid in recovery. These measures offer many incentives helping to boost a person’s well-being while also providing multiple health benefits along the way.

Physical therapy is something many people are familiar with but few understand just how important its benefits are to individuals. However, as the medical market continues to expand, there are millions of people utilizing these services each day and odds are you know one of them in the event you haven’t personally put it to use. While there are countless ways physical therapy assists individuals, there are five key components associated with outcomes from following a professionally prescribed plan.

Recovery Options

Following some type of injury, regardless of its origin, physical therapy boosts both the recovery time and process. In addition, if certain movements are limited or a person has lost function from one of their limbs, the use of a professional physical therapy plan will assist in helping them to recover completely or at least improve the current function to some degree.

Balance Assistance

Another key focal area for physical therapy is to improve balance and coordination among clients. Depending on age and certain other factors, the ability to enhance this component is key and also assists in helping individuals throughout their daily life experiences.

Pain Reduction

Certain aches and pains may also be limited or healed through the use of a physical therapy action plan. This not only aids in a reduction of medication (pain pills) but it also serves as a natural way to attack any lingering issues.

Preventative Practice

Most people associate physical therapy with a resulting action from some prior experience. For example, you twist an ankle playing basketball and physical therapy is needed to help get back out on the court but there are also preventative measures to this practice. Certain therapeutic approaches could help individuals avoid surgery altogether by remedying a problem area before having to go under the knife - always a positive result.

Universal Application

Physical therapy is also a universal practice with a different plan of action specific to each individual. These unique procedures are always shaped to address how each person responds to the treatment while focusing on a personalized approach with the goals of different individuals in mind.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, needs assistance with mobility issues, or is seeking services for another reason, then consider reaching out to the physical therapy experts at North Platte Physical Therapy, Monument Physical Therapy, Big Country Rehabilitation, and Bear Lodge Rehabilitation today. Offering 18 different locations across Wyoming and Nebraska, our professional staff are ready and willing to help administer and create a personalized plan of action specific to your needs. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Available for all of your physical therapy and related offerings, we look forward to meeting you and providing the type of service you can rely on to help improve your overall wellness very soon!

Low impact excerices to help with back pain

Low impact excerices to help with back pain
When dealing with back pain, North Platte Physical Therapy in WY want you to know it is essential to engage in low impact exercises that can help strengthen and stretch the muscles without causing additional strain.
  • Walking is a simple yet effective exercise that can be easily incorporated into one's daily routine. It helps improve circulation and flexibility while putting minimal stress on the back.
  • Another low impact exercise for back pain is swimming or water aerobics, as the water's buoyancy reduces the pressure on the spine. 
  • Yoga and Pilates are also beneficial, offering gentle movements that can improve core strength, flexibility, and posture. These exercises focus on the mind-body connection, encouraging relaxation while targeting specific muscle groups.
Being able to stretch in between the low impact activites will also help with the pain. While the pain can be debilitating and affect daily activities, there are a variety of at-home stretches that can help alleviate discomfort and promote flexibility.
  • One effective stretch is the knee-to-chest exercise. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Slowly bring one knee towards your chest, using your hands to gently pull it closer. Hold for 20-30 seconds, then switch legs.
  • Another beneficial stretch is the cat-camel pose. Begin on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees below your hips. Arch your back upwards like a cat, then slowly lower it downwards like a camel, breathing deeply throughout. Repeat this motion for several rounds.
  • Additionally, the child's pose can provide relief. Start by kneeling on the floor and sit back onto your heels. Lower your upper body forward until your forehead rests on the ground, extending your arms in front of you. Hold for 30 seconds while focusing on deep breaths.
Keep in mind - it's extremely important to listen to your body and not push yourself beyond your limits. If any stretch causes pain or discomfort, stop immediately and consult with a healthcare professional. Consistency is key when it comes to seeing improvements, so start slowly and gradually increase the intensity over time. Listening to your body and making adjustments as necessary will help you find the perfect balance between staying active and minimizing back pain.

The Benefits of Yoga After Receiving Physical Therapy Services

August 26, 2020

The Benefits of Yoga After Receiving Physical Therapy Services
Physical therapy is the best way to recover from a muscle injury and regain your full range of motion. However, after you wrap up your physical therapy treatment, you’ll need to find ways to keep your body healthy and your muscles thriving. Though you have many options to choose from, yoga is one of the most effective workouts you can do. Here are a few benefits you may experience once you incorporate a yoga practice into your post physical therapy routine.

Improved Ability to Recover
There’s no guarantee that you’ll never get injured again after undergoing physical therapy sessions with your trusted team. However, there are things you can do to reduce the likelihood that your injury will require extensive physical therapy to fully recover. Yoga is one of them. When you incorporate yoga exercises into your routine, you’ll train your muscles to function properly, stay loose, and reduce your risk of injury in the first place. If you do get injured again, the injury will likely be less severe. Your muscles will be able to recover faster and more effectively.

Helps You Relieve Stress
When you get stressed, your muscles get tight. The tighter they are, the more restricted your range of motion will be. That restricted range of motion makes it easier for you to injure yourself and increases the likelihood of needing physical therapy in the future. Yoga helps keep your muscles loose and makes it easier for you to maintain the range of motion you regained after physical therapy. Over time, you might even see an improvement in the extent of your flexibility. 

You’ll Build Functional Strength
When you work out at a gym, it’s normal to want to push yourself and try exercises that you might not be ready for. Not only does that increase your risk of injury, but it also doesn’t help you stay healthier. Functional strength or building strength that helps your body function at 100 percent is always better than building bulk. However, getting those results on traditional gym equipment can be tough. Yoga builds functional strength with nothing more than your bodyweight. You’ll get strong without adding bulk to your frame.

May Improve Your Sleep
Little aches and pains can get in the way of a good night’s sleep more than anything else. The more often they do, the harder it will be for you to function at work, in social engagements, and other events throughout your life. Yoga helps stretch your muscles and restores your posture to reduce those aches and pains. When you’re in less pain, you’ll be able to sleep better which can then impact your overall health and wellbeing. 

Speak With Your Physical Therapist
If you’re about to wrap up physical therapy, the best thing you can do is continue to stay active. Ask your therapist for advice on the types of activities that will help you recover fully and avoid future injury. If you’re interested in yoga or any other activity, let them know about your interest so they can advise you further.